Personal contact


Hello Thank you for the 2 electronic machines great sound it’s perfect Chris.

Janssen Christian

Hi, thank’s for selling sitars and tablas, here in portugal we can’t find any….. Best luck to all “Guru Soundz'”…. Great site!!

Pedro Andrade, Portugal

Good afternoon, I received my sitar yesterday. It is magnificent.
Thank you for everything. Have a good week!


Dear Sandip, I am really enjoying learning how to play the tabla under your fantastic tutelage – and your website is great too!

Neil Martin, London

Dholak & Bollywood Instruments

If you want to explore the beautiful folk music culture of North India, you must understand the significance of the Dholak. This is yet another Indian musical instrument which is basically a side drum and the music delivered via the instrument signifies celebration and enjoyment of life. The folk music is generally the reflection of the culture of a group of people representing their way of leading life. The Dholak seems to be the perfect instrument complimenting with the different celebratory situations.

Dholak & Bollywood Instruments
If you want to explore the beautiful folk music culture of North India, you must understand the significance of the Dholak. This is yet another Indian musical instrument which is basically a side drum and the music delivered via the instrument signifies celebration and enjoyment of life. The folk music is generally the reflection of the culture of a group of people representing their way of leading life. The Dholak seems to be the perfect instrument complimenting with the different celebratory situations.

Guru Soundz Exclusive White Designer Dholak

This Exclusive dholak is the one for all world class musicians. High quality skins. Complimentary gig bag.


Guru Soundz Gold Designer Exclusive Dholak

This Exclusive dholak is the one for all world class musicians. High quality skins. Complimentary gig bag.


Baby Dholak

This is the fun dholak for children that gives original soundz,different colours available.


Rope Dholak ordinary

This Reasonable quality  Rope dholak with ordinary skins is used for weddings or  for short term use.


Guru Soundz Dholak Nut Type

This Dholak has regular nuts and bolts and from Mango wood, basic heads, different colours available. Starting level dholak. Colours may vary.


Guru Soundz Exclusive Bollywood Concert Dholak

Guru Soundz exclusive dholak. Top of the range Dholak. Made in Bollywood. This Dholak is for musicians who can handle the sweet tone of the special heads of this dholak. Call our showroom for special Custom made limited Bollywood Dholaks. Colour may vary.


Nal Professional Model

This professional Naal is a wooden two sided drum. The heads are placed and tuned by bolts.. The artist holds the Naal horizontally and it is played with both heads.


Pakhawaj Professional (Concert) Model

This professional quality Pakhwaj percussion instrument is used in the dhrupad style and is widely used as an accompaniment for various forms of music and dance performances.


Dholak/Nal Gig Bag

Dholak carry Gig bag.


Dholak Head Professional left/right

Professional Mumbai skins are here now, especially made for Guru Soundz by film industry craftsment. Price shown is for each skin.Fitting service available.


Dholak Skin right side Dayan

This is the Right Hand Special Skin for the Dholak.


Nal Head Professional Quality.

Right side treble. Fitting service available. Different sizes available.


Dholak & Nal left Head Professional

Professional Mumbai skins are here now, especially made for Guru Soundz by film industry craftsment. This skin is for left hand side of the dholak/nal. Fitting service available.


Exclusive Concert Double Sitar Package PT Ravi Shankar Style.

This Concert Model sitar is for all professional musicians. This is a double sitar with full decoration and includes a Complimentary Flight case, Sitar DVD, Sitar String set and Plectrums.
